Finding Home healing was founded…

as a by-product of the emotional healing journey I traveled down over many years and continue today.

I realized that the more trauma an HSP has, the further away from “home” they get: home in their true self.

Finding Home is about peeling back the layers of the wounded self to come back to the TRUE self through a deep, inner healing process.


My Methods

Are based in a holistic combination of Cognitive & Behavioral Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, & Huna Higher Consciousness Energy Healing to release trauma, unconscious blocks, and emotional baggage from the physical, energetic, and emotional bodies so that one may evolve and express life through their truest and highest selves.

Why this Matters to you

I hear people say all the time, “I wish I had this... I wish I was this way… I wish I could do this... I can’t be… I can’t do… I don’t have…It’s not possible for me…”

If you’ve ever thought this or something similar to yourself or out loud, you may be like every other one of us who lives our life, or parts of our life, through our wounded, limited self. Why do we do this?

To start, At the most basic, fundamental level, WHO WE ARE is a being of light having a human experience.

So… we’re composed of two selves—the spiritual self and the human self. The integration of the spiritual self and the human self is a beautiful thing. AND this integration can cause “glitches” that lead to “malfunctions” in our minds, our energies, and our bodies. I call this our wounded, limited self. So the question is not “Why do we live through our wounded, limited self” but rather, “How and where does our wounded, limited self live; what does he/she need; and how can we heal him/her so we can begin to live through our truest and highest integrated self?”

This process of integrating our two selves together to create who we are is like a computer. Imagine trying to integrate Microsoft and Apple softwares together. They’re both so complex, so unique, and so different, right? The integration process would likely lead to significant problems, glitches, and malfunctions needing addressed before the newly integrated software could function at its highest and best. Same thing happens with the integration of our spiritual self and our human self.

Break it down

Both selves are complex “softwares” that have integrated together to create who we are. Higher Self is connected to our Unconscious mind: our spiritual self. And our unconscious mind is connected to our conscious mind: our human self. All three are aspects of ourselves and determine our experience of life.

The “malfunctions” in our newly integrated software express themselves as depression, anxiety, fear, limiting beliefs, negative emotions, soul fragments, personality patterns, wounded inner child, and unintegrated parts. We receive a majority of this programming from childhood, genealogy, and past lives (if that’s in your belief system). It gets embedded into our unconscious and controls our experience of life.

It becomes so familiar that we live our lives day-to-day with it not thinking much of it until we encounter the malfunctions in a very real way—like physical pain or disease; infertility; emotional pain so heavy we can’t get out of bed; metaphoric clouds over our heads; we haven’t laughed or found joy in anything for months; we’re so worried and anxious we can’t eat or sleep; we feel a lack of peace and fulfillment; we’re frustrated and alone with not having found our person; we feel isolated from family and friends; we feel stuck in a place we can’t stand to be in any longer.

Finding Home Healing was made for this reason—

to strip back the layers of this malfunction—the broken programming and glitches—in order to Update the unconscious operating system, re-boot the conscious software, and connect up to the infinite source of all that is—God—to return back Home—Home to Our truest & highest self.


This process is not for the faint of heart. But I can tell you from experience… it is WORTH it.

What you can gain is EXPONENTIALLY MORE valuable and powerful than anything you give up to make it happen.

A journey through this work looks like:

  1. Releasing emotional blockages

  2. Addressing childhood/adulthood trauma

  3. Integrating the wounded inner child

  4. Releasing stuck energy from the body

  5. Aligning the Conscious Mind, Unconscious Mind, and Higher Self together

  6. Learning forgiveness and un-attachment

  7. Uncovering personality patterns and identity

    …all for the purpose of forming a beautiful, coherent union of self so that one may experience freedom, lightness, clarity, power, and purpose—Finding Home—your Truest and Highest Self.

I am merely a tour guide; a conduit for healing; a guide to help YOU connect to your Higher Self and God to empower you to heal your wounds.

It’s time to find peace with your past, balance with your present, and a vision for your future.
— Sadie

What Clients Are Saying


“I worked with Sadie doing breakthrough sessions. My life is different now. It absolutely changed my life. It’s difficult to describe all the magic that happens working with Sadie but I went into the session with a few specific goals and all of those things came true for me. I am forever grateful for my time and ongoing relationship with Sadie. I continue to be blown away by all that has poured into my life since our work together.”


“Sadie changed my life for the better and who I am today. I couldn’t understand why I was still experiencing depression and sadness. I just thought it was normal for everyone. I could tell Sadie was different from anyone I had worked with before. The more sessions we did together, I felt this heavy weight on my body getting lifted; like taking a breath of fresh air for the first time. Not only did my internal state change but my external as well. I’m so much happier. I know how to handle when things in life come up. My anxiety, sadness, and depression are gone because I’ve been given the tools to work through those emotions.”


“I feel like the heaviness I was carrying around is lighter. That was so stuck in my mind. It feels good to have released it. My compassion has opened up for other people & myself. My perception has been altered. I feel more confident, less needing to please, more accepting of what they {other people} have to say, who they are. I have improved relationships. I feel good. It feels like the relationships aren’t so volatile. They’re steady as she goes.”


“One of the biggest things our sessions have given me is solidity, wholeness. In the beginning things shattered me. I’m becoming more resilient. I used to notice if I got upset, it opened a door and took me down. That’s not happening like how it used to. I’m feeling stronger!”

- Jordan

“Everything we’re doing is helping me not get so bogged down in the details, helping me process emotions faster. I’m feeling my progression week-to-week. I’m better at managing hiccups. I feel a lot less mired down; I have more energy to do things and plan things whereas before it felt like such a chore I didn’t have the energy and willpower to do it.”


“…Part of my dream was acknowledging how much you have helped me to rise up and connect with Spirit. How you’ve guided me back to Source and words cannot properly express how much that has changed my life. You supported me as I jumped in with love and trust that even though I didn’t know how to do it, I would survive and thrive.”


“I’m in awe right now with the mind body connection. I literally was feeling so achy and uncomfortable in my body for several days and through communing together this morning and the process you supported me through I feel the heaviness has been lifted. I feel back in my heart space. I feel supported. I understand that my body was showing me that it was time to release but I needed the support of someone who could help me release the weight of LIFETIMES.”

-Client, Anonymous

“I did an amazing job with my speeches at my sister’s wedding. I kept remembering all the tools you gave me to help me feel confident. I would have needed anxiety meds in the past to make any speech but your help changed that for me.”

-Client, Anonymous

“I found our release work helpful. It’s helping me relax and remember that I am taken care of. Often I feel like I have to take care of everything and everyone. Now I feel faith much deeper. A deep sigh of relief.”


“How I’m showing up in the world is so much more elevated and in alignment. I feel like I’ve released SO MUCH that now I’m being filled with all that I deserve and desire! Your sessions with me are working. They are supporting me to elevate my life. I’m expressing myself and claiming my space! My seeds that I’ve been planting are growing. I see them. I am them. Wow! So grateful for your time and energy. I value you and them so much.”

-Client, Anonymous

“Doing release work was really critical for me. There was a lot I was holding onto so I wasn’t able to cope as well. I feel emotionally stronger now even though I’m on this roller coaster that’s a little out of my control at times. I am able to identify when I’m not in control of my emotions and let them pass through.”

-Client, Anonymous


Let’s Be Friends on Instagram, Follow Me @Sadieeeelizabeth